One of the reason for rents going up is supply and demand, and this being affected by greedy landlords taking huge cash lump sums to get together the rest of their neighbours to sell "en-block". This means they knock down big old places and build tall small places, so now you either live in the middle of a construction zone facing a 70% rent hike for the privlidge like us or end up moving to shoe box in middle of road in less desirable areas.
We have also discovered Phoebe is quite useful when one of us farts in a lift like one of us did, quite badly or well dependig how you rate farts, on the weekend. It's funny, people smile when you tell them the burning sensation around the eyes and nostrils was due to your baby. They would probably not smile if I told them where the noxious gas really came from, nor would Reidy.
I should have been surprised when I came out of the train station at Tampines and saw a tank. But it comig up for 2 years here and I am now not surprised to see a tank parked outside a suburbn shopping mall.