I was also quite disappointed to discover Michael Bolton isn't dead, maybe I just hoped he was dead, anyway he isn't and is touring Singapore soon. If the enduring popluarity of the Little River Band is anything to go by, the baldy mulleted crooner of insipid love songs that turn your stools to liquid will be around for another 20 years in the lucrative Asia market.
We went to Hong Kong over the weekend and I was greeted with more Little River Band straight off the plane and has led me to believe that this band is sending subliminal mesages to HK cabbies to kill themselves and their passengers. Our cabby got himself up to 160Kmh within 5 minutes of leaving the airport, we also got a good look at all the lanes at various brief swervy intervals along the way into downtown Kowloon.
We went to Honkers to meet up with visiting NSW South Coast dignitaries Mummers and Rocket. When he wasn't attracting crowds of gaping Chinese dwarves he was wearing the subway as a hat and marvelling at the latest techniques in drain fishing.

Dramatically hilly compared to the 42Km long pancake that is Singapore, it is pretty damn spectacular. The weekend was capped off by a very generous Cathay Pacific that chose to upgrade us to Bidness on the way home.
More Photos form HK:

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