Having seen the locals in action on a Friday night at the Tap Room bar in the charming local hotel I was staying at, I have a sneaking suspicion there is a fair amount of inbreeding going on in the boonies of New Jersey. I am no dancer as Reidy will loudly attest to, but I am John Travolta in comparrison to some of the work going on in the Tap Room as people gyrated to the cover band who were working some classic Hootie and the Blowfish and Reo Speedwagon.
Why was I in Warren you ask, well it is part of some cost cutting exercise at work, where they moved the people I deal with to Warren. It's an impressive campus, but it's in Warren, bloody stinking Warren. So when word got out about the pending snow storm coming on Saturday I legged it to the city faster than a fast thing going really fast.

It was still snowing when we emerged from my mate's flat at the crack of noon, and it didn't stop for another 5 hours. Had brunch at Walkers on W Boulevard, right opposite the Ghostbusters fire station which was far more impressive for me than walking past Carie Bradshaw's doorstep. The city is pretty wild when it snows, everything turns

Then a day later the streets are magically clear as the garbage trucks become snow ploughs and the footpaths become ice skating rinks as the melting snow freezes over. It's only a matter of time before all the dog turds and other rubbish that were previously covered in a lovely white blanket start oozing out. Two days later the snow is starting to melt, the innocent looking puddles at the bottom of the footpaths are in fact mini ponds that swallow your whole foot and the snow that is still around is now filthy and slushy. So I headed home with some surprising enthusiasm, even as I faced the prospect of an 18 hour non stop flight, at least I knew my feet were finally going to be dry.
No they are named after the first toilet makers and the first companies to dump toxic waste. But then they ran out of towns...
Who's Carie Bradshaw?
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