KP's birthday started innocently enough with a civilized dinner on another significant day; the celebration of the day the English plonked a
In fact so inspired was I by the Jaeger that I agreed to go to Attica, possibly one of the crappiest excuses for a bar in Singapore. I guess they wouldn't get too many patrons if it was called Shithole but that would be a far more appropriate name for the place. Picture a pretend classy place full of social x-rays and sleezy expats and that is Attica. The dancy part of the place is reached by walking up a furlined staircase, a bit like walking through a giant black furry tunnel and then when you get to the top is full of lots of furry tunnels walking around like they are the coolest of cool. It can not be stressed enough what a shithole this place is but the furry tunnels who patronise this place seem to think this place is the duck's nuts and a serious nightclub.
To be honest things were a little blurry, but I am told it was because of this we ended up downstairs again apparently. I am not entirely sure when we left but it was en masse and I magically ended up in the house, wrong bedroom but right house. Reidy had to come in cover up my starfish impersonation that was apparently scaring people in the lift going up and down outside the bedroom. And that is how I ended up buying a big tv.

Finally this week I bought a crab called Matt for the fish tank for really no other reason than I have a friend called Matt who is actually Crabby. But I am curious to see if Matt and Pinchy are going to fight, it's a bit like one of those Discovery Channel shows where they try to work out who would win a fight between a whale and a squid. So I will keep you posted on who is the tougher; crayfish or crab.
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