The big news of late here has been the prospect of a General Election. The ruling Peoples Action Party (PAP) have been in power since independence in 1965 and although there are other parties invited to participate n the election it seems to be largely an acedemic exercise. I was asking a cabbie about it the other day and said that voting was compulsory but quite offen there are no opposition parties in his voting area so he didn't need to vote. I asked him if he could remember any smear campaigns against the PAP, ignoring my purile attempt at humour he replied it wasn't a good thing to do. Something one of the few opposition politicians found out when he questioned the judicial system and ended up in jail for a while Apparently bloggers discussing the election will be under some scrutiny so the next update could be from a cell with Bubba.
The Aussie National Basketball League (NBL) is particularly annoying, the NBL has worked out there is a sporting drought between rugby finishing and cricket starting, which is when the NBL starts. I thought I had escaped this period of pain, but now the brains trust in the NBL has decided to move team to Singapore. And not just any team, but the quality Hunter Pirates franchise are going to be calling Singers home this year.
Singapore Basket ball CEO Oon Jin Teik said. “For a little more than the price of a movie ticket, Singaporeans will not only be able to catch live world-class basketball action right on home soil, but be able to participate in a whole new form of sports entertainment that is wholesome and exciting, much like what we see today on TV at NBA basketball matches. In time to come, we hope this event will become another key marquee event in Singapore’s ever growing and vibrant sports calendar.” He has obviously been misinformed and perhaps never seen Aussie basketball. Personally I prefer hitting my shins with a stick and would probably eat dirt rather than sit down to watch the Hunter Pirates do their thing. I'm calling crimestoppers this is a serious case of fraud.
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