The luminous coloured ones are the scariest looking but probably the tastiest, but that said they don’t taste that good, a bit like lotus flavoured cardboard. The other interesting thing about mooncakes being in season is that it is mid autumn which it clearly is not in Singapore. This is because it is a Chinese festival related to overthrowing the Mongols, Singapore seems to be noticeably bereft of both Autumn and Mongols. I suspect the Singapore government may have some sort of weather and daylight regulating device that keeps the aircon up to 34° and the daylight at a standard 12 hours.

Reidy had a job interview this week with the Aus Consulate as the Cultural Relationship Manager. I initially thought it was a joke advertising Sir Les Paterson’s job but apparently it was for real. I was quite keen for her to get the role so I could drink cheap VB and pee in their pool, but alas she was pipped at the post by someone else. So instead we have decided that she should set up a company; the Australian Cultural Management group and compete directly with them.
For those that didn’t know she will be back home in around 10 days for a couple of weeks, there will no doubt be a variety of events involving wine and talking. Although it is unlikely anyone will be able to get a word in between her and Lou for the first week, so maybe aim for the second week, they might have run out of thing to say by then. We are also getting off the island for the first time next weekend, heading to Kuala Lumpur for the weekend, not your normal weekend get away, but we are not your normal people.
Over and out
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